PCARA Membership
Why Should You Become A Member?
The Park City Area Restaurant Association (PCARA) is supported by the Summit County Restaurant Tax Grant. The Association was awarded $357,700.00. These funds will be used to promote our members and Park City's culinary scene. In additional to being included in all our marketing efforts, membership benefits include:
- A website listing page on parkcityrestaurants.com. Detailed analytics provided monthly showing clicks to individual restaurant landing pages and click throughs to restaurant websites
- Inclusion in all public relation efforts and press releases
- Participation in Association events and promotions:
- Promotion and mentions on Associations social media (Facebook / Instagram)
- Ability to submit news, events and offers to be included in our biweekly dining newsletter to 11,000+ hungry diners
- Monthly board / member meetings
- Inclusion on PCARA website under Associate member section
- Open invitation to attend monthly PCARA member meetings and the opportunity to share your information, promotions, etc. In addition, as a member your information can be shared with all members electronically